Where being
Beautifully Original Lord Directed
is a way of life
there is a seat here for you!
Have Fear? Need prayer? Want encouragement? Looking to connect with Jesus more deeply but unsure how? Do you have biblical questions you have been afraid to ask? Would you like a safe place to share your heart and know you will be heard and pointed toward truth?
We are here for YOU! We would love to connect with you for prayer, to speak truth and encouragement over you, to do one of our bible studies with you, to search the scriptures for answers with you (or all of the above!) We feel so humbled (and just a little excited) to be able to walk alongside you as you seek to build personal relationship with Jesus! Click here to contact us. We look forward to meeting you. :)
Check out our studies
This 16 week fly over discipleship course is designed to get you familiar with (and excited about) the Scriptures and all the wonderful truth and treasures it holds! It is a great foundation for those new to the Bible.
This Bible Only Scripture Study is a 16 week course designed to get you solid and confident in your overall understanding of the Scriptures and how to rightly apply them in a practical way.
Soul Defense
This stand alone 8 week course is designed to take you on a deep dive into the love of God and how your relationship with Him affects the rest of your life. It a chance to rest, be encouraged, learn and grow!
We enjoy speaking about relationships! It is our mission through speaking to inspire, encourage and equip women with practical tools to build authentic relationships!