Soul Defense
The Battle for Your Soul
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26
Your soul is eternal and priceless
There is a battle for your soul because whoever possess it will ultimately determine your final destiny and destination
There are only 2 sides, God’s, or Satan’s – no neutral. In fact, God sees “neutral” as the worst and still counts it as a side against Him.
Vulnerability by way of ignorance is not an excuse or get out of jail free card, it is an opportunity for attack and Satan will take advantage. He knows how to sabotage and deceive and like any good predator he looks for the unsuspecting and easiest prey.
Satan’s strategies are subtle and savage and most importantly fatal to the soul. He is calculated and brutal, using any method to sabotage and/or drag a soul to hell if given the chance
God created our soul’s default design for Beautifully Original Lord Directed living, but a lack of understanding makes us easy prey to the lethal lies of Satan
God sent His son Jesus to save us from sin because His original intent for us to have a relationship with Him didn’t change.
How committed are you?
A born-again believer soon becomes aware that the new birth did not erase all that had been previously programmed into the mind and emotions. We can certainly guard what comes into our souls in the future, but what of the strongholds, wrong ways of thinking, fears, and other destructive patterns already there?
Satan has no conscience about what lengths he must go to kidnap and keep your soul from Jesus and his offer of life more abundantly here and eternal life to come. Satan will tell you what you want to hear, bribe you with the lusts of your flesh, coddle every bad habit and selfish ambition and entice you with anything contrary to what Jesus says is good to make you question Jesus.
Do not be fooled by the enemy in believing a relationship with Jesus is just too hard, not possible or requires too much “giving up” for too little return.
The victory and the riches of His glory are ALREADY yours!! There is a cloud of witnesses that have gone before who can attest to that truth. They will stand shoulder to shoulder in the battle beside you. You will never be alone and everything you need to succeed has already been supplied. All you must do is choose a side and commit to building your life going forward on the unshakeable foundation of a relationship with Jesus. You will experience love, joy, peace, and life more abundantly and it starts in the same place all relationships find their origin,
Trust and truth.
The more you seek Jesus, the more you will discover that you can fully trust, and fearlessly obey Jesus who declares, “I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life.”
The only way you will be able to trust and obey Him is to get to know Him and His heart for you (and all humanity) then commit to the process it takes for that to happen. You must purposefully become intimately acquainted with His ways and let Him demonstrate His faithfulness and goodness to you through good and bad times.
In short, you have to be willing to build a relationship with Him so that when the deceiver wages war against you and seeks to undermine the foundation upon which your whole life and worldview is built, (i.e., your relationship with Jesus) you can trust the same armor Jesus forged and waged war with will be impenetrable and a force to be reckoned with like it was for Him. When He asks you to obey His commands, even when you don’t understand or see the result, you can because you have personally experienced His character and attitude and know He will never lead you where you can’t overcome or where you can’t make a difference. A relationship with Jesus will nourish the very depths of your personhood. You will learn how to be fully known and fully loved by the Author of love Himself.
It doesn’t matter if you have been a believer for years or a minute. The journey of Soul Defense begins when you decide that from this moment on, you are going to live as a B.O.L.D. warrior.
During the five-week study we want to help you:
Become aware of where you are in your relationship with Jesus
Discover the kind of relationship He wants with you
How to receive the blessing of closeness you have always longed for so you can live a B.O.L.D. life
Experience an intimacy with your God as never before and
Build a relationship that will protect your soul and give you the ability to live in victory.
Join us as we walk into the Holy of Holies,
sit at Jesus’ feet and
discover His heart and testimony over you.
You will never be the same!
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