Meet Jeanne
Jeanne has been a Christian for over 40 years and is a co-founder of BOLD Living Ministries. She has 5 grown children and 7 grandchildren. After homeschooling for 27 years she is now a Southwestern transplant currently residing in the rolling Appalachian foothills of the South, close to her daughter Erin’s family. Throughout her life God has poured out His love, grace, and compassion over her and taught her how to do the same toward others (still growing all the time). He has given her a passion and heart for teaching women how to understand the Bible and experience the life changing relationship of loving and being loved by the Lord.
Meet Erin
Erin has been a Christian for most of her life. She is a homeschool mama, loving wife, co-founder of Bold Living Ministries, piano teacher, CAP member, creative soul, outdoor aficionado, blogger & pursuer of many interests! Her number one calling is loving the Lord followed closely with being a wife and mother and encourager of women in their personal relationship with the Lord.

Why Bold Living?
We started Bold Living to give people a safe place to become the Beautifully Original Lord Directed souls God created them to be. The conception of this ministry happened in the middle of 2019 when God created that dream in us during one of the darkest and hardest times of our lives. God brought us so much healing through our own personal journeys of becoming BOLD women. We knew that healing was meant to be shared to encourage and equip others, but how? Then God gave us Bold Living Ministries. Over the next months it grew until it was ready to be born and with that birth came a most precious gift and opportunity to speak the message of BOLD Living!

Our Manifesto
Loving the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, all our strength is our most worthy and high calling.
We have been given the authority to pray prayers that change things even if it only changes us.
God uses imperfect people to do His perfect work.
God created all things and especially people to reflect His glory and be loved by Him.
He created each person as an individual with strengths, weaknesses and a particular personality; a vessel prepared to be filled with living water.
God has a sense of humor and loves to display His glory through the beautiful creation around us.
Every person has been loved by God through His Son Jesus and no one is too broken or lost to receive that love if they turn to Him.