Speaking & Events

Speaking Topics

BOLD Living

  • Pointing women back to the simplicity of following Jesus

  • Helping them understand the difference between habits and sin

  • Embrace moment by moment living

  • Writing God’s testimony over themselves

Wholly Opposite, Completely Compatible

  • Embracing the good, bad, and ugly of opposite (or different) personalities

  • Creating fluid translation between different personality languages

  • Removing the complexity of relating with one simple concept

Good Character, Bad Behaviour

  • What is bad behavior? How can I know when someone is really exhibiting bad behavior? How do I deal with bad behavior? We briefly study good, healthy behaviors; what they look like and should feel like.

  • Strip away the complexity surrounding personality disorders

  • Focus more on what cherishing real, authentic relationships looks and feels like in your own life which will make recognizing toxic relationships much more obvious.