White Blood Cells

I like analogies. If analogies (or puns 😉 ) were a “super power” I have both.

So, it should be no surprise when this whole post is an analogy ha!

While I was considering the current situation in the grand old USA I call home, it occurred to me that believers are like white blood cells.

We are equipped to fight off the disease of evil invading from the personal to the international. We are to be the frontline defenders of that which is wholesome, good, and true. We are called to be on guard against hostile viruses, cancers, and infections (i.e., hostile thoughts, ideologies, lies, and people) that sneak to take over the body (our families that make up our country)

Believers have the Holy Spirit to help recognize and eliminate the attacking forces before they have a chance to do a coup but instead of listening to the warnings, we invite the nasty things in as if they were harmless.

Because of our negligence, the very viruses we should be eradicating end up incubating in our own bodies and using our resources to build their army.

Anything I say to you is something I take to heart for my own life, so I am going to start by looking at the woman in the mirror.

I need to keep being an active member of the white blood cell army.

Our nation is being consumed by cancerous corruption from the home to the white house.

Our homes are being ravaged by the divisive viruses streaming nearly 24/7 into our hearts.

I am a white blood cell in my home, my family and those who end up in my sphere of influence. They are mine to protect and keep vigilant watch over.

God has equipped me with everything I need to be strong and of a good courage starting with His son Jesus who is The Way, The Truth, and the Life.

The weapons of my warfare are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds, or in the case of this analogy, to the destroying of malignant bugs that try to creep in.

I am not alone.

In the heavenly realms my King of kings Himself is clothed in robes of purest and brightest white. He rides upon a white horse with an army of angels behind Him that glow like white hot heat. I am clothed in robes of righteousness that glow with that same white purity.

It’s time I start living on earth what I already am by the decree and blood of Jesus and become a white blood cell that spells death to all of hell’s nasty viruses that dare to infiltrate my part of the world by being fervent in prayer, generous in love, purposeful in patience, relentless in sharing the truth, compassionate to the broken, and light to those who are walking in darkness.

Who is with me?

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