Identity Theft

God has given every believer a new identity in Christ. We are no longer orphans but a child of God, adored by the Father, loved by the Son, and united by the Spirit of truth. The old rags of our sin-stained past are exchanged for glorious righteous robes of grace. We are no longer defined by what we have done but by what was done for us by Jesus, the Son of God, Himself. We are given the mind of Christ and able to walk as children of light.

But there is someone who doesn’t like it when people find their new identity. In fact, every chance he gets, he sabotages and tries to steal those identities away. His name is Satan, and he is the best of thieves when it comes to stealing a believer’s identity

Of course, he is not blatant about it because that would make his jealously and hatred too obvious. He comes as an angel of light and makes himself our biggest supporter especially when it comes to all things flesh related. He loves to pamper every whim of our deceitful hearts with his “You want it, I got it” attitude.

He infiltrates through things like:

1. A fun ‘Christian’ friend who lives on the edge of compromise but isn’t ‘reeaally’ sinning or causing us to push boundaries…or so we tell ourselves

2. A religious trend that makes us look and feel super holy but isn’t biblical at all. It gives us the illusion we have drawn closer to God, when in fact, it hasn’t.

3. A subtle, seemingly harmless thought or idea that wouldn’t hurt indulging in…just this once of course

4. A loneliness or need that has crept in and he of course is there to ensure we feel justified to do whatever measures necessary to get happiness because God wants us happy no matter what…right?

He is patient and relentless in his pursuit. No lie is too low, no opportunity too small for him to try and insert his poison. Even a seasoned Christian like me can fall prey to identity theft and there have been times Satan would have succeeded if I hadn’t had the security foundation I did.

You see, I love my identity in Christ and have protected and lived in the joy of it for many years. But even though I know who I am in Christ and am confident in that knowledge, when I have been negligent in maintaining my identity, Satan sees an opportunity to hack into my life and steal my identity.

Those vulnerable moments come when I slack off reading the Bible and praying, giving Satan a chance to pass off his opinions as legitimate.

Or when I don’t stop and be thankful for all God has done or take the time to appreciate and what He has done in me and through me.

Sometimes I give Satan room to speak his nasty little opinions over me when I have not carefully considered the people who have entered the door of my life and don’t have my best at heart.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t like my things getting stolen, least of all my identity!

Take this post as a reminder to get intimately acquainted with your identity; know who God says you are inside and out and then zealously safeguard it with the truth.

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