When I AM says “I Will”

God has made me many promises in my nearly 27yrs of life and every time He makes one I have this bad habit of taking on those promises as my “big sister” responsibility to make sure they happen. This year of 2020 God promised me it would be a year of new hope in my life and yet look at what a crying shame of a train wreck this year has been for so many people. You can bet your comfy pajamas and snuggly slippers that there were many times I was asking God about his promise. Like Marianne writing letters to Willoughby annoying. 😂 So after all this time, what exactly have I learned? I found every time I doubted God or tried to ahem help him that He didn’t need my help (or ask for it for that matter) to keep his promises. Or to put it into a mic drop phrase, When I AM says “I will” He will! gasp shocker right? 😉 This verse from Isaiah really captures the heart of when I AM says “I will”.

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness…For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Isaiah 41:10,13

Day by day the first half of this year I learned my fears had no place in a promise made by I AM because victory is the outcome of every good promise of God. I also learned my assumptions and worried filled frequent progress check ins with Him showed a subtle desire for control and lack of trust on my part. I am so glad He has been patient with me and never swatted me away like the pesky fly I could be buzzing in his ears! Instead His gently brought me to a place of sweet surrender the second half of this year. He had me lie down in green pastures of his blessings; He lead me beside the still waters of his love and restored my soul with the remembrance of faithfulness. (Psalm 23:2-3) Just like He did in the Isaiah verse above, He daily addressed my fears with truth and continuously re-confirmed His “I Will” promises to me. He reminded me that never once has He let me down. Never once has He failed to keep what He promised. Do His promises sometimes look different then I imagine? Of course! But it is always a better different. Have you ever had someone tell you about a movie but then you watch the movie? When God does something that looks different than I imagine, it’s unfair of me to blame Him for my brain’s assumptive imagination or pre-made conclusions made off guesses about how I thought things would go.

From here on out, when I AM says “I Will” I want my first response to be “I believe and I can’t wait to see!”

What about you?


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