Thursday Tippity Tip: 3 Ways Hating Them Hurts You

I think it is safe to say we ALL have come across relationships with a person or people who just know how to bring out every fighting fiber in you. And some of them take it a step further and know how to toy with you until you hate them.

But hate is a slippery slope…like black ice on a 45 degree hill kind of slippery slope.

It’s a powerful emotion.

It’s a distorting emotion.

It’s a damaging emotion.

It’s a reckless emotion.

It’s a hurt filled emotion.

But mostly it’s a consuming emotion that only warps our minds and perpetuates the harm done to us in the first place. It’s like the HIIT workout of emotions that just keeps on burning long after the program is over.

Have you been letting hate consume you?

Here are 3 ways that hating them hurts you:

  1. It prolongs the pain - Giving place to hate is like a terrible song stuck on repeat. It replays the harm done to you further driving the stabs of their nastiness deeper. You will remain a victim of their crime so long as you choose to hold onto hate. Think about it. How does reliving trauma or ugliness bring healing? How does holding on to hate benefit you?

  2. It stunts growth - Wrong is wrong but when you allow hate for how someone has treated you consume your life, there is no room for growth to happen. You both lose. Think about it. What does hate accomplish? How does hate change anything?

  3. It sabotages self control - The more you let yourself stir the pot of hatred the less self control you will have in avoiding the temptation to give in to temporarily relieving that hate by whatever means seems rational in your irrational state of mind. Think about it. How is hurting them any better or more justified then them hurting you? Will getting even really resolve the root issue?

Here are 3 ways to avoid the hate trap:

  1. Choose to let go - Don’t let them control you through hate. Take your pain and use it as a force for good. Turn pain into purpose. You were made to grow and become a better you, not shrivel up in a white hot ball of hate.

  2. Create distance - Emotionally, physically, spiritually. Distance in this case doesn’t make the heart fonder, it makes it stronger. It gives you space to grow close to God and detox from the poison of that person (or people) injected into you life through their bad behavior and lies.

  3. Refuse to engage - Choose to respond in truth even if it means walking away and saying nothing or deleting that text or ignoring the phone call. Respond from the security and safety found under the wings of God instead of reacting out of fear.


When I AM says “I Will”


Called to Fight