Thursday Tippity Tip: Love Can’t Save Titanic Relationships

Love may cover a multitude of sins, but it doesn’t get rid of them.

If you are going into an unhealthy relationship thinking your love is going to be the thing that saves it, you will be as mistaken as the Titanic crew was and the end result is going to be the same.

A sunk relationship with massive loss and destruction in its wake that could have been mitigated and/or avoided.

The reasons for jumping into a boat destined to sink are vast and varied but at the top of the list are usually these four reasons.

  1. Blind pride – This belief that your love is the cure all bandage that can fix a gushing wound

  2. A void – A deep need in you that isn’t being satisfied and you are hoping to get it filled even if it means letting the filthy debris of someone else’s garbage be the filler

  3. A need to fix – Love can be the noble word we put to justify our need to fix…I mean ‘love’ a person we know is broken.

  4. A desire for control - Even if you know you are in a Titanic relationship, there is something so tempting about trying to fix someone to be the product of our reimagining and believe that if we just control this thing here or fix that habit there then everything will be well in the kingdom and a fairytale guaranteed.

What is the best way to avoid ending up on a sinking boat?

Don’t get into a Titanic relationship!

Seek God and if He says no then trust He has your best and knows what you need.

If you know you are only going into the relationship to get something out of it or to fill a missing place in you, STOP and seek God.

Ask friends to pray for you and listen to trusted advisors who have your best interest in mind.

Take if from all the women who didn’t stop and nearly drowned because they stepped aboard a Titanic relationship thinking they would be the first to rewrite history against all sound wisdom otherwise.

TTT posts are reserved exclusively for relationship tidbits in the form of a short post or a power thought meant to challenge or encourage or both. Enjoy 😊

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A Father’s Love