A Father’s Love

In my 28 years of life, I have observed many dads from my own to my stepdad to dads of other families. The ones who stood out to me were the men who chose to be a dad on purpose.

It had nothing to do with DNA or even them being the “ideal” kind of dad. Their success as a father had everything to do with their desire to protect, love, lead and be actively engaged.

In short, they were dads on purpose and that choice made a great difference in the lives of the children they called their own.

My dad and stepdad were/are dads to me on purpose. They were not perfect but perfect is not what I sought. I wanted a father’s love and they both gave me that gift.

Hope you enjoy this poem and Happy Father’s Day! :)


A Father’s Love


A Father’s love is strong and true

He finds great joy in caring about you


A Father’s love raises a woman and builds a man

He becomes and stays one of your biggest fans


A Father’s love is safe and secure

He does his best to calm all fears


A Father’s love says the hard things

He desires to protect you from life’s many stings


A Father’s love will let you try and fail

He wants you to learn how to prevail


A Father’s love inspires dreams to grow

He can’t wait to see how far you’ll go


A Father’s love only wants to give the best

He will do whatever it takes for your success


A Father’s love is patient and kind

He is full of compassion time after time


A Father’s love is a special treasure

He will always give his last full measure


A Father’s love is not bound by DNA or bloodline

He just feels honored he gets to call you ‘mine’

One last thing, I know many who might read this have not had a good dad and it really scarred your heart. This post is not intended to bury that very real pain but rather give you hope that there ARE good men and good fathers out there. I pray you get the chance to experience a Father’s love, especially the love of THE Father (God) who has loved you with an everlasting love and calls you by name.

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