
This week I was reminded of the sanctity of life. From the supreme court decision to my kid’s VBS, the value and preciousness of life became a focal point.

I know life is sacred but it’s hard to remember the value in myself, let alone others, with so many divisive and negative messages that demean life on a near constant basis.

So let this post be a time of refreshing. A moment for you to stop and breath in with me the truth that all life is sacred unto God and it should be to us.

Even those who have chosen to use their lives for evil are still scared to God. Though the consequences of their choices will not leave them unpunished or forever separated from God if they so desire to reject Him unto death (but that’s a post for another day).

Right now I want to speak life over YOU and over myself. These are NOT churchy platitudes I made up as my own version of self-help attitudes. These are truths spoken by God all throughout scripture and they really can’t be stated enough. 😊 Pray these out loud over yourself as if God Himself is saying them over you, because He is. 😉 Then pray them over your home and your family and friends.

I knit you in your mother’s womb. That means every cell of your body was carefully crafted by me, the Author of life. I am perfect in all My ways so you are not, and cannot, be a mistake. You are not an oops, you are MY masterpiece.

I numbered your days, your hairs, your blood cells or DNA strands and every intricate part of you. I am intimately acquainted with all your ways. I am interested in every micro and macro detail of your life.

I knew you by name before you ever took a breath. That means you will always be known no matter how invisible you can feel. Before anyone ever got to lay eyes on you or knew you were about to spoken into existence, I, the Creator of life, smiled over you as I lovingly planted you in your mama’s womb.

The thoughts I think toward you are more than can be numbered. That means even if you lived to be a hundred or more a thousand, my thoughts about you and you alone would still outweigh the seconds of your life. No one thinks or cares more about you than I do.

As your Creator, I am the only one who can define your value, and I have. The sin that scars this world can not and does not change the sanctity of life I gave you when my holy breath filled your lungs. You are priceless and always will be.

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America, God Shed His Grace On Thee


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