Thursday Tippity Tip - Making God Based Decisions

Relationships don’t have to be a casino where everything is a gamble and a guess and prayer for the best. There is a way to walk through a relationship without feeling overwhelmed with questions. These next few questions and subsequent advice could be applied to anything in life, but it is especially helpful in relationships.

How do you know when you are making a decision that is God based, not feeling based?

How do you know if you are listening to your own heart or the Holy Spirit’s voice?

How can you be sure you aren’t being deceived without realizing it?

What if I follow what I think to be God’s leading and end up feeling like I failed, or lose something of value to me?

Those kinds of questions can plague many of us but here are the four ways I have learned to discern between my own feeling-based decision and a God based one. It isn’t 100% fell-safe because well, I am human and user error is a real thing 😉, but these four things have really helped to mitigate a lot of wrong turns, dead ends and to make sense of the sometimes-long roads God takes me on.

1.       There is a Scriptural verse or example that backs up my decision. It is one that God either directs me to or brings to my mind and when I research it further, fits exactly the circumstances I am trying to discern and gives me a solid foundation on which to build my decision.

2.       My decision is not swayed by time, opinions or how I feel on any given day. It remains steadfast like a lighthouse against a storm and no deep-seated questioning wave that sways me every time someone (including myself) doubts or disagrees because of fear or lack of understanding.

3.       There is a peace that passes all understanding that remains no matter what negative reactions and feelings can come at me after a decision is made. No matter what I seem to “lose” or how much of a failure I seem to be after following a God based decision, I know those feelings are not reliable indicators, so I don’t validate them as such.

4.       I choose to walk in the confidence that if I am wrong about a decision God will not leave me in my error. He will indicate where/if I am wrong or miss understood my feelings as his voice. God will do what he says in Psalm 16:11 and “show me the path of life” and if he wants me to change directions, I can trust him to tell me.

TTT posts are reserved exclusively for relationship tidbits in the form of a short post or a power thought meant to challenge or encourage or both. Enjoy 😊

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