Dig Deep and Bloom

I love drawing comparisons in life to things God has been showing me. It ensures the lessons remain vivid and more relatable.

The last few months God has been helping me understand more of His faithfulness despite free will. His promises are sure and always on time even when His plans had to adjust because a heart refuses to change.

Dusting a jar of potpourri got me to thinking about the comparison between that lesson and the pile of fragile petals in my hand. I don’t want to become a potpourri soul; a pile of Christian platitude petals that look pretty and smell of a hint of life, but so brittle God can’t do much with me because I refused to grow in truth or be obedient to His leading.

Emotional and spiritual growth is what keeps my soul pliable and mind teachable. It denotes life; a living heart maturing in sync with the ever-enlarging responsibilities and knowledge God gives me as a believer.

He knows without constant growth the very core of who I am will wither and die so his plans always involve a choice; I can stay put and wilt into potpourri or dig deep and bloom.

I want to keep choosing the latter for my life.

What will you choose?

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