The Rich Young Ruler
There is a man in the Bible famously known as “The Rich Young Ruler” (You can read about him in these passages here, Luke 18:18-23, Mark 10:17-22, Matthew 19:16-22)
Seems like a lofty title until you hear his story and realize he is one of the few that Jesus could not help.
Keep reading to find out what I mean. 😊
The rich young ruler lived life by the letter of the law. From all appearances he was a stellar example of a fine young man who had ordered the affairs of his life in such a way that anyone would be proud of him. Basically, if he were alive currently, he would look like a successful Christian who had life figured out and under his command.
Jesus wasn’t impressed. He went through the general law list to which the young man eagerly replied he had followed them all, but Jesus had left off the two key pivotal points on which all those other things hinged. For all the things the young man passed with flying colors the two things he lacked made him the biggest loser of all (and by loser I mean someone who has lost out on the most important things while focusing on lessor things, not a demeaning term 😉)
1. Obedience – Heeding the call Jesus gave him to sell all he had and follow Him.
2. Loving the Lord - “…Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Matthew 22:37
When Jesus told him to do those two things that young man left grieved.
What made a young man that seemed so eager to please the Lord turn away in sorrow?
On the surface it can seem he baulked at being asked to give up his standing and treasure. For many years that was what I figured was the case, but God recently showed me an even deeper insight as I observed another man making that same decision.
I believe it is because when Jesus asked him to give all he had and to follow Him the young man was blindsided by his lifelong build-up of pride and control. Jesus was always after the heart of the matter, and He knew that so long as the man retained his wealth he would cling to his control and live life by rules and outwardly winning formulas rather than deep conviction, growth, and true obedience to God to the depths of his soul.
You see, the Rich Young Ruler in the Bible had built a wealthy empire that he controlled. He got to say when things happened and choose how his life would go (or so he thought). On the surface he looked righteous, obedient, loving, and generous but for all his supposed sacrifices he missed the whole point.
Six different times and ways in the New Testament Jesus states:
“Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.”
Those are just two examples.
In one sentence Jesus asked the man to divest himself of all the comfort, predictability, habits, and life he had so carefully crafted AND trust God for His daily bread while learning to love and be loved in a way He had never experienced.
Jesus wanted that man to exchange his self-reliance and false sense of salvation for real salvation that was built on full obedience to God.
He wanted that man to give all sense of control over to the one who really has it all along and follow the Way, the Truth, and Life, and be blessed beyond his wildest dreams.
He wanted that young man to know the fulfilling life of one who stores a different kind of treasure in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy.
In short, Jesus wanted him to have life and life more abundantly, but the man wasn’t willing to do so if it meant it couldn’t be done on his terms, in his comfort zone and on his time.
How sad for that Rich Young Ruler! I see why Jesus looked on him with compassion.
Don’t be like him and refuse the call of Jesus because the cost seems too high and uncomfortable or downright scary.
I guarantee whatever the cost of obedience to Jesus now (not even taking in consideration the guaranteed reward), is nothing compared to the cost (negative) of your choice to attempt to control.
God wants the best for you, and to give you His best. Will you trust His heart toward you?
As someone who has made the choice of obedience, I can honestly say that whatever I have seemed to “lose” in this life it never outweighs what God gives me in its place. And when I have tried to control things, it never works out but when I choose to give things to God, He never fails to take care of me, and I know He won’t fail you either.
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