American Miracle

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
— Isaiah 65:24

I’m thankful to be an American and humbled by our beginnings.

By the hand of God, he led and preserved a remnant to the shore of a land that would hold a hope and future for them.

They didn’t land at Jamestown as they had intended so from their view, they probably landed in the wrong place but in God’s they sailed to exactly where He wanted them.

When they were cold, hungry, and full of sorrow as body after body was placed into a grave, I am sure they felt alone and wondered if they had made a wise decision, but God was there watching over them through it all.

They were fleeing persecution and later tyranny and yet through it all, before they called upon the Lord, He had answered their prayers and while they were yet speaking of where to go and what to do, He heard them.

We are living in a miracle.

We American’s today are the living promise of yesterday’s covenant that made the American miracle possible.

The Mayflower should have never made it to shore.

The Pilgrims should have never survived that first winter.

The Mayflower Compact should have never lasted.

The American Revolution should have failed.

The Constitution was a miracle of unity

But God. He has given grace upon grace to us and honored the covenant the Pilgrims made long before they ever fled to Holland and later to the new world they would call home.

We stand on the brink of losing it all if we do not humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways and seek God’s mercy for the way we have abused His grace and ignored His heart for our country.

This Thanksgiving let’s remember the grace of God and the American Miracle He WANTS to preserve for us. Just as He did for the Pilgrims, He already has His ears listening and answers for all we ask, if we will only ask.

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