Thursday Tippity Tip: 11 Ways to say “I Love You” (without saying it)

This week’s power thought AND action –

See how many ways you can say “I Love You” in a day without ever mentioning those words OR above and beyond those words.

Here are 11 ways to say “I Love You” (without saying it) to get you started. 😊

1.       Write a little note expressing something you love about them

2.       Do a chore they usually don’t like or that would take something off their plate

3.       Make or buy them their favorite treat and surprise them

4.       Sneak in a hug every opportunity you get

5.       Catch their attention just to give them a wink and a smile

6.       Share funny tidbits throughout the day you know will make them laugh

7.       Wear their favorite color

8.       Talk together of what kind of dream trip you guys want to take

9.       Take time to listen when you know they really need to just be heard

10.   Share a song that reminds you of them

11.   Buy a ticket to an activity they love (i.e. a sporting event, ballet, nail salon, pottery class, gun range target practice etc). Even if you can’t participate or don’t particularly care for the activity of choice, support them with your enthusiasm, get two tickets so they can bring a friend and all in all just show that you are so happy just getting to make them happy

TTT posts are reserved exclusively for relationship tidbits in the form of a short post or a power thought meant to challenge or encourage or both. Enjoy 😊

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