From the Ashes

Today, 21 years ago, the New York skyline was filled with the ashes of wreckage and destruction. Thousands of lives were ended and thousands more were forever affected by the tragedy we’ve simply labeled, 9/11

Some call it an inside conspiracy and others an act of terrorism but one thing remains sure, we the people of the United States of America suffered loss on so many different levels. Our freedom, dignity and security were attacked, and countless lives tragically lost.

We can not and must not forget what happened. To forget is to invite history to repeat itself. It is our duty as American citizens and especially as believers to ensure that today, and every moment of triumph and tragedy this nation as endured, be discussed, and remembered across the generations.

9/11 is a scar this nation should not hide but rather one we have a responsibility to share so that we can grow and learn as individuals and as a country.

You and I are an integral link between the generations ahead and those coming behind just like our parents linked the ones ahead of them to the ones following behind (that would be us) and so on.

Let it not be said of us in the generations to come that we let the comfort of ignorance replace the preservation of truth. This is my call to remembrance not for what this day was meant for but for what it teaches us.

9/11 teaches us that from the ashes of evil intentions God causes hope to bloom, the power of unity to blossom, compassion for one another’s suffering to take deep root, the treasure of selfless love to flourish, and the rebuilding of life to prosper. It teaches us that God never wastes a hurt and what some mean for evil, He uses for good. It teaches us to see the grace of God woven amid horrible human affairs. 9/11 teaches this and so much more so remember and pass this truth on.

I leave you with semi modified lyrics of the song, God Bless America, that declare what He has already done for our nation despite the many attempts to destroy. From the ashes, God is still faithful.

God blessed America

Land that I love

He’s stood beside her

And guided her

Through the night with the light from above

From the mountains

To the prairies

To the oceans, white with foam

God blessed America

My home sweet home

God blessed America

My home, sweet home

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