Stop and Ask Directions

Have you ever been expressing something to someone when out of nowhere you sense you are no longer talking to them but to yourself?

That happens to me a lot (I guess I talk a lot haha!) Verbalizing the words and thoughts so often makes me hear them in a different and revolutionary way.

This past week as I was encouraging someone, God reminded me once again that when I am in a place of uncertain direction it is an absolute necessity for me to STOP and seek out what He has to say until I have established in my soul once and for all what He spoken.

Otherwise, if I am not careful to take the time to settle my decision in absolute truth and faith, I give Satan an open opportunity door to psych me out with doubts and questions and fears.

But how do I know when God has spoken?

When I stop and ask God for directions, He is always faithful to deliver the answers if I am patient enough to hear and willing enough to follow. It has been my experience (and many other believers can attest to this) that as I consistently walk with God and build a personal and intimate relationship with Him, I gain a spiritual instinct from the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. It is an inexplicable “knowing” that has carried me (and still does) through circumstances that I would not have understood what to do and from the outside (and honestly from the inside too haha!) looked insane.

Each one of these listed below at some point had an encounter (sometimes multiple) that required them to trust God purely on what they knew of His preceding character, nothing more. He was (and still is) notorious for asking or having them do things that to onlookers probably looked like a suicide mission, insanity, weird, too hard, backwards, and whatever other word one can think of to demonstrate just how much God likes to work in the unusual to bring about the impossible. Some of you might know who these people are, and the famous stories attached to them but for those of you who don’t, I encourage you to check out them out in the Scriptures. Prepare to be amazed by what you read!



Joseph (both)









Mary Magdalene

Mary the mother of Jesus

There are many more but as I contemplated that list my soul was refreshed by knowing I am not alone in this walk of faith! I am not the first nor the last person needing to stop and ask directions when I come to perplexing crossroads in life. Without fail, I find God waiting there; asking me to keep trusting Him with my life and that He would never leave me astray.

At every crossroad I face the same two choices - I can stop and ask for directions from God and then listen for as long as it takes, accept what direction is given, and step forward in faith or I can take a gamble on my own limited wisdom and timing. The second has given me a sense of control in the past but has never worked out for me in the end.

Trust me, you don’t want to stop and ask directions unless you plan on obediently heading God’s guidance. It is a real humbling bummer to stop and ask directions and then decide to go your own way just to end up at dead ends you have to backtrack from and for the most part lost when you know you could have been well on your way to better things and intentional places.

So stop and ask directions and then do them 😊

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