This Sew Didn’t Work…


My mom and I were working on a dress this week and pretty much everything that could go wrong did go wrong. The material we had on hand, which would have been perfect, ended up not being enough to we had to go shop for some. There wasn’t really any that was exactly what I was looking for but 2 hrs and 2 stores later I finally settled on some fabric. Then we got home and the real fun started (yes that was totally sarcastic ;)). The seams were too small so we took them out. Then they were too big. So we took that out and tried again. The bodice pieces got sewed together incorrectly so we ripped those seams out and tried again. Then we added back panels just to have to rip those out too. Then the zipper…oh the zipper back and the midriff belt. I won’t bore you with all those details but needless to say by the time I got the zipper on halfway decent I was about to take a lighter to that dress.

The funny thing is my mom and I can sew. We’ve done it for years but this time around was one frustrating hold up after another.

It only took me three days to realize that maybe, just maybe, there is a reason for that and I needed to be okay with letting go of my idea and my deadline.

Per usual God has shown me a life lesson in the seemingly ordinary.

I learned that some good ideas are never meant to be done and some deadlines never meant to be met. It can be hard letting go but God always has a way of creating circumstances that inspire one to see things the way they were meant to be seen.

What I should have done  instead of getting frustrated at all the comedy of errors going on, is stop and ask God what He was trying to get my attention about and then wait and listen. When I finally did that, He was able to help me realign my priorities and not sweat the little things like a dress not turning out how I expected.

In this case, the dress did get finished. Maybe not when or how I wanted but I learned some things along the way that are going to help me grow into a better person because of it.


Go Light Your World


Heart of Josiah