This Circle

"This Circle is your whole life"

In the movie Zorro, Don Diego tells his upcoming protégé Alejandro

“This circle is your whole life right now. Nothing and nobody exists outside of it unless I tell you they exist”.

Alejandro was rough and ready to go. He would have blindly run into a fight with no thought if it were not for the careful and patient instruction of Don Diego. In order to refocus his impatient student’s impetuous thinking, Don Diego had to get him to see the worth in making a 6’ circle a place worth staying in. How did he do that?

He did so by redirecting Alejandro’s pain, energy and desire for justice into a new way of thinking. Don Diego told him that if he was willing to listen and learn the expertise he was willing to pass on, thenAlejandro would be able to accomplish what he needed to do with precision, skill, and wisdom.

Soooo what does this have to do with a life lesson I have learned?

At this point in my life, I know God wants me to stay in a circle of his grace and power; to keep myself centered on him and only him.

He wants me in that space so he can surround me with the fullness of his peace and love.

No enemy or problem exists outside that circle unless he tells me they do because God wants my focus and ultimately my praise and trust.

Every time I am tempted to go down a negative bunny trail and step outside of that circle in anger or fear, God wants to retrain my mind to recall all he has taught me and choose to stay in the circle. He wants me to praise and pray to him instead of wasting my breath, my time or my strength on the delusions of the enemy or the distractions of things beyond my control or ability.

He wants my eyes to be stayed upon Christ and only focusing on who and what when He wants me to.

So here are some praises that God has filled my circle with.

  • God moved in my heart to go ahead with plans I was thinking of waiting on for just a few more months in 2018. But looking back, if I had waited even just those few months I would still be struggling through that mess

  • God gave us a home in the middle of December of 2019 and we moved in and settled down within a few weeks of the outbreak going viral...literally

  • God planted us in a neighborhood with neighbors who have proven friendly and peaceful

  • God moved on the heart of a neighbor to bring my girls dollhouses so they would have something new and special to play with

  • God brought us to a state and county that has been relatively stable

  • God supplied the means for my mom to go visit her mom in late February. Her mom lives in California and had my she waited she would not have been able to see her mom

  • God has provided and continues to provide a way for me to be debt free (including no mortgage) which allows me to stay at home with my kids

  • God provided another person to come along side us to help build our ministry website right when we were wondering how in the world we would ever set one up

  • God provided a way to barter a trailer we wanted to sell for work we needed done in the house. The trade was a blessing for all of us!

  • God provided a free upright piano that we were able to get tuned before social distancing went into effect

  • God has prompted us to get certain things and we keep finding out a day later that there has been a rush on it and supplies completely gone

  • God provided my mom a job just a couple weeks before lock downs and closures happened and it is a place that will most likely remain open

  • God has kept our two older cars running with no major work needing to be done

  • God has continued to bring opportunities to coach and encourage people during a time when they so desperately need it

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! Would love to hear from you so comment below with some of the things God has been placing in your circle! Don't forget to subscribe and thank you in advance if you do. :)


Thursday Tippity Tip: 7 Things I Did for "Love"


Silk & Purple