Silk & Purple

My steps came to a stand still. I stood in the middle of the empty grand hallway full of gallery pictures on my left and floor to ceiling windows on my right. As I stood I gazed down at the beautiful silk dress of the most rich purple shade. The gold frames cast shimmering hues of soft light that made the purple even more glorious. Surely this beautiful dress was not made for me! I would only ruin it.

Then I heard a voice say, "This dress was made specifically for you. Own it". I noticed for the first time how perfectly tailored the dress was and how comfortable I felt in its flowing drapes.

I lifted my eyes, stood up taller and pressed my shoulders back in a queenly pose that caused all fear and trepidation to scatter. With surety and poise I began stepping forward again. I no longer felt undeserving of the dress for I knew it was made for me and I owned that truth without one smidgen of shame.

My steps took me to a room where I was auditioning with my dance partner. We executed our routine flawlessly. Had I not had confidence in him knowing his part and me knowing mine, we would not have done even half as well. Our success happened because we both owned our parts and trusted the other implicitly.


The next day when I woke up I told my mom about the dream and I mentioned how I was wearing a dress of silk and purple. Later that morning I was almost going to skip reading Proverbs 31 ( it just "so happened" to be the proverb of the day) because let's face it, I had read it or heard it hundreds of times growing up. But then I felt this "No, you NEED to read it today" settle over me. So I did, and my heart stood still when I read Proverbs 31:22

She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

Proverbs 31:22

And I knew in that moment who I was meant to be and my life purpose. I had actually known it all along (since I was a child) but always felt I needed to have a "real" job beyond that because homemaking was seen more of a side gig by most people than a truly empowering role for a woman to step into.

So who am I meant to be? What is my purpose? My purpose is to be a Proverbs 31 woman. Now before you swipe me off your page in utter disgust, keep reading. When I say Proverbs 31 woman I am not talking about being the proverbial frumpy dumpy stuck-at-home mom who just slaves away at menial tasks while her true talents collect dust in some musty attic corner. How accurate was my description of the picture you had in your mind?

Put aside your assumptions for a minute and hear me out (or should I say, read me out!)

When I say Proverbs 31 woman I am describing a resourceful, organized, wise, savvy, dignified, talented, hard working, graceful, poised, strong, and faith centered kind of woman. How many women can you think of right now who fit that description. Lots right?

Envision with me a woman who is using all her specific talents to their fullest potential to create a home that is the heart beat of hospitality, comfort, peace, and industry.

A woman who intentionally raises her children to walk as the B.O.L.D. (Beautifully Original Lord Directed) people God created them to be.

A woman who uses her common sense and hard work ethic to provide her family with the necessities of life.

A woman who knows how to utilize her God given talents in a sustainable, repeatable way that keeps the flame of purpose and focus alive.

A woman who knows how to take what she has on hand and multiply it for the benefit of her household and to give to others.

A woman who is so queenly that a King's mother spoke of such a woman as the kind a man would be wise to seek out as his own.

How frumpy dumpy stuck-at-home mom who just slaves away at menial tasks while her true talents collect dust in some musty attic corner does the Proverbs 31 woman look now?

I hope you come to understand just like I did that a Proverbs 31 woman is so much more than just washing dishes, dusting and doing laundry.

So what did the rest of the dream mean and how does it tie in to what I just said above? God revealed that owning that purple dress was symbolic of me owning my God given purpose to be a home maker/Proverbs 31 woman through the specific gifts, talents, circumstances, and resources He has given me. He wanted me to realize I could be a home maker no matter what (i.e. married or single). He clearly showed me I needed to own home making as a legitimate career all by itself and without apology. The hallway represented my journey toward fully embracing my purpose. The dance audition was symbolic of me confidently stepping into a partnership which means God is preparing me to be the confident and competent homemaker a man needs to execute his calling. When will that happen? I have no idea but that is not my focus.

I am simply embracing each day as it comes knowing that God's got the rest figured out. And thus far all I can say is that it is such an empowering journey as a woman to be taught by God how to walk day by day clothed in silk and purple.

Would love to know how God has revealed his purposes for you in your life! Or how he is beginning to take you on that journey if you are just starting out?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! I know you have lots of choices but I hope what you read here blessed you. Please subscribe so you don't miss out on future blog posts. :) Thank you in advance if you do!


This Circle


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