The Promise

About a week ago, God asked me to write “The Promise” on something He had clearly shown to be…well a promise!

Sounds so simple and hopeful but let me tell you, if you could have seen the internal battle going on you would have thought He was asking me to sleep with snakes in my bed.

You may be wondering why I would be having such a tough time claiming a promise from God. After all, it is a yes and amen; as strong today as the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 1,000s of years ago.

In this case, this wasn’t the first time God had asked me to write “The Promise” about a situation. He had told me several times before but every time I timidly obeyed, something hard would happen in the form of rejection or resistance and I would end up erasing it to avoid further let down.

I should have realized Satan saw a promise from God and immediately went into high alert.

I should have known he would use my fears to manipulate the truth and my perception of the goodness of God.

God, however, was more persistent than my fears!

He saw my struggles and fears and because of the great love He has for me, He kept bringing me to a place that caused me to sit and deal with them until my trust in His goodness and faithfulness, set me free to be obedient no matter the cost.

God gave me a promise, I am going to write it like He told me to and hold fast because He is faithful that promised!

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. Hebrews 10:35-36

“You will receive the promise. Not because you earned it, deserve it or even asked for it but because God gave it and He is faithful that promised” (This is a truth I wrote down 7-8-20)

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Happy Resurrection Sunday!


Just Be Held