Just Be Held

My heart was hurting so much...

I had finished sitting through a dinner where I shared very difficult details about a situation I didn’t want to relive, and yet it was necessary to do so.

I walked out of the restaurant feeling sick and distressed.

The hurt was so consuming that I could feel the sick distress that had once been a daily friend come crashing in all over again.

Feelings of isolation set in as I withdrew from the world around and the person with me. I climbed into the car and just curled up in the corner while tears began to pour.

Having heard the story and knowing my distress, they reached out to pull me into a hug of comfort, but I leaned away feeling unworthy of any love or comfort.

Instead of being repulsed by my resistance they refused to be rejected. They knew I was pulling away the same way a hurt animal cringes in a corner and won’t let anyone come near.

So, they drew me in and as tender and loving as that was, it wasn’t what they did but what they said that finally reached beyond the vail of my pain with the healing balm of love.

“Just be held”

That’s all they said but those three words washed over me like waves cover a shoreline and I felt drawn into an ocean of love.

It was as if God himself spoke those words over my wound.

While Satan wanted my hurts to isolate me in shame, God wanted them to be a portal to lavish his love on me through the physical touch of another person.

Surrendering to that embrace and permitting myself to just be held taught me a valuable lesson.

I learned it is difficult to accept love with no way to return it in the moment, but it is also one of the most healing and wonderful things I can ever do or gift to someone else.

In that place of surrender that requires nothing from me accept letting go and being held, I felt nothing but acceptance and safety.

It is hard to put into words the sense of serenity and wholeness I experienced when I simply allowed myself to just be held. I will forever be grateful to that person who by their actions and by their words became the healing arms of love I needed so much to find rest in at the time.

From that day on, whenever I hurt, I practice leaning into the open arms of love God brings to hold me instead of turning away.

Dear one, don’t let hurt or the lies that you are unworthy or unlovable sabotage the healing and love God wants to give you.

If you are hurting and God has sent someone to wrap you up in his healing hands of love, I have three words for you,

Just be held

Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God…Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Isaiah 40:1, Jeremiah 31:3

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The Promise


Heart & Soul