Happy Resurrection Sunday!

I love Easter!!!!!

It is a reminder that sin never stopped God’s original intent for mankind or His longing to be heart to heart with His creation whom He made in His image.

To think that God Himself, so deeply desired to have a relationship with me…with you…with all of mankind… is quite frankly indescribable!! He wasn’t even the one who broke the relationship in the Garden of Eden, we did.

As I contemplated what to say about Easter I decided to write a list of seven things that it represents to me. I hope you enjoy reading the list and it encourages you. 😊

  1. Debt paid: Jesus’s blood covered all sin, for all time, once for ALL

  2. Relationship restored: The vail of sin that once divided people from God has been torn down and believers have 24/7 access to the throne of grace as well as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

  3. Life more abundantly: Victory in Jesus is possible here on earth, right now and eternal life forevermore to all who believe!

  4. Hope for all who believe: No one has to be separated from God unless they choose to reject Him

  5. The greatest act of love: Greater love has no man than this than to lay down his life for his friends and Jesus laid down his life for friend AND foe!

  6. Triumph for all the ages: When Jesus walked out of the grave, He didn’t just defeat death, He restored what man had lost in the Garden of Eden (an intimate relationship with the Triune God) and silenced the accusations of Satan against believers FOREVER!!!!

  7. New Beginnings: Jesus’ death fulfilled the old covenant, and His resurrection birthed the New covenant of grace in which all who believe now stand.

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