The Hem of His Garment

When people meet me, I hope they encounter Jesus the same way the woman in the Bible with the issue of blood encountered Him.

One touch of the hem of His garment changed her life!

The woman who touched His hem was used to hiding away and being an outcast.

Her focus was on her one ailment being healed but Jesus wanted her to know the wholeness of His touch and love.

As the crowd pressed around her and Jesus passed by, I can imagine desperation set in. Hope and healing was within arm’s reach; it was now or never.

I don’t think she expected what came next.

Jesus stopped and asked who touched Him. She could have remained silent and slunk away into the thick crowd, yet His question called to her heart specifically.

She was compelled to come forward, little realizing He was calling her back to life again!

Jesus didn’t want the now healed and free woman to continue living on the fringe of society or the dark stigma of her condition. He wanted the city to witness the restoration of this woman too.

I am not Jesus, nor do I claim to be, but I certainly want my life to exemplify Him.

It doesn’t matter if others remember my name or anything I said but I do hope they experience the love and presence of Jesus, and the release of heaven’s healing love in their lives when they touch mine.

Do you have an “issue of blood” you are looking to have healed? Do you feel rejected and forgotten?

Jesus carries the healing and love you seek.

Today, I hope you feel known and loved by Jesus because…you are.

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Living in a V Chord


Until Everyone Is Home