Until Everyone Is Home

A few days ago my kiddos, mom, and I were playing the game SORRY. Even when someone wins, we like to play until everyone is home.

This game was like any other SORRY game right up until the end.

First my mom won, then my older daughter, then me and finally my other younger daughter.

As soon as her last pawn slid into home she looked up and with the most delight filled squeal and sparkle in her eyes she animatedly announced,


She was the last one home, but she didn’t care.

It was a moment to remember.

A little child unwittingly shared a powerful perspective.

She wasn’t playing to ‘win’ in the traditional sense. For her, ‘winning’ was everyone getting home, not just her.

I want to cultivate that kind of uniting perspective where a win for someone else is a win for me even if I don’t benefit directly or seemingly at all.

The fact of the matter is, the more I cheer on someone else in their God given gifts and encourage them to keep running the race He put before them, the more unity, joy, peace, and ‘wins’, the WHOLE body of believers will enjoy.

And the more that happens, the more those ugly voices of comparison and competition will be drowned out by cheers.

Life is a team event, not a solo game where I am one against the world.

No matter who ‘wins’, I want to keep cheering and encouraging others until everyone is home.

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