Living in a V Chord

12 years ago, I was sitting in a music theory class in Community College.

One of the assignments was to write a song that ended with a V (five chord) instead of the usual I chord (one chord).

Now for all my nonmusicians out there, don’t worry, all ya have to know about the V chord is it is a chord that sounds unresolved…VERY unresolved when it is not followed by a I chord.

I didn’t like the assignment. At home when I practiced the song, I would always end with a I chord even though it wasn’t written in because I couldn’t stand the suspension of unresolved tone resonating through my Grand Piano.

To be fair, that is a struggle I have had my whole life. From reading the last chapter of a book first or wanting to look up the plot synopsis of a movie I’ve never seen before I watch it, I dislike living in the suspense of not knowing.

So, you can imagine the internal battle I have been having as God as been requiring me to live in a V chord kind of suspension when it comes to a recent situation.

I’m straining to hear the resolving note but it’s like God is resting on an endless Fermata (A Fermata is simply a musical pause held for an indefinite amount of time that is left up to the musician’s discretion).

God seems to be taking full advantage of the V chord and a Fermata over it to boot.

Maybe this V chord situation in my life will end the musical score or maybe it will just close out the first movement in preparation for the next.

The problem is…I DON’T KNOW but God is asking me to trust Him…and I don’t wanna ha-ha!

God knows how He made me so I know He understands that this surrender He is asking of me is excruciating BUT He also knows that He has laid a foundation of trust that I can rest and find peace in if I am willing.

I can choose to see the suspense of a V chord as an anxious striving point or the building of anticipation to something more complex and indescribable then I could ever imagine.

I can choose to fight the dissonance I feel in V chord moments of my life, or I can choose to lean in and sit with what God has already composed leading up to the V chord knowing that whatever is coming next is going to be worth the wait.

This has not been an easy lesson for me but little by little I am learning to embrace the surrender found in understanding that I might not know how this, or most things are going to end BUT God does and I will land exactly where I am meant, when I am meant to, no matter what.

Is God letting you go through a V chord situation?

Are you living in what feels like an indefinite unresolved state?

Then I am going to encourage you with the same truths I keep telling myself.

Don’t give up.

Don’t stop listening.

If the Composer who created the symphony of life is writing the score, the finale will be what it should be, right on time.

Like music, your up and down journey through the phrases of life that lead to V chord moments and final cadences is what makes it your life so special and unique.

Lean into this V chord time in your life.

There is a melody of resolve coming.


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