Raising Warriors

Last week I was going to have a post, but allergies said…NO.

So here I am finally getting past the worst of the pollen, but my ears still feel stuffed with cotton and my nose hates me anytime I walk outside haha!

But my allergy complaints are not what this post is about or why you are reading it so let’s get on with it shall we?

While I am going to be directing this to Mama’s, if you are a dad, babysitter, nanny, caretaker, Grandparent or basically anyone who has a kid(s) they are responsible for, this is for YOU!

Many times, I have read, heard or personally been told that what changed a child’s life wasn’t wealth or a perfect childhood or the number of toys or tests they passed but simply someone showing up and caring about them in the everyday, practical moments of life. That is true from my own personal experience.

As a mama, I have found that raising a warrior is simple in concept but what makes it so hard is because it requires dedication to serving someone else above myself and daily diligence for years before often seeing any fruit of the labor of love.

So, what does it take to raise a warrior? Three things:

1.       Presence - YOU are present with your child in body, heart, and mind

2.       Purpose – Intentionally devoting every chance you get to speaking truth, life, love, and purpose into and over your child especially when they fail

3.       Prayer – Daily covering your child and all things concerning them with prayers

It really is that simple. It will look different for everyone, but the concept stays the same.

Dear mama, you CAN raise warriors!!

You CAN raise someone after God’s own heart

You CAN raise someone who can stand alone; fortified from the inside out in their God given identity.

You CAN raise someone capable of making wise decisions and yet unafraid to fail and more importantly able to rise again as a better, stronger person

You CAN raise a warrior of heaven that Satan is going to put on his “most wanted” list because they are a lethal threat to the kingdom of darkness

God has qualified you, don’t let Satan try and disqualify you with his lies. He has given you everything you need to succeed and raise warriors who in turn, raise warriors wherever they go

P.S. If you enjoy reading my blog, please consider subscribing. :) I post once a week on Sunday (sometimes less). No matter what, I hope you are blessed by the content!

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