Cheese Sticks N’ Chicken Strips

It is said that we are not controlled by that which is true, but we are controlled by what we believe to be true, whether it is or not.

As a mama of two littles I get to see that statement lived out quite often as well as observe life lessons from the eyes of children too small to realize the impossible, but big enough to teach important things if only I stop long enough to listen.

Take for example a dinner we had about a week ago.

They saw me taking the same food off the pan and putting it on their plates and yet while they merrily munched on their supper, one commented to the other how delicious their cheese sticks were, to which the other said they were equally enjoying their chicken strips.

Neither one apparently smelled anything fishy. 😉

The truth is all of us were actually eating fish sticks!

Even though I repeatedly referred to them as fish sticks, to this day they believe they are eating cheese sticks and chicken strips. This funny story reminded me how easy it can be for truth to get distorted IF we are not paying attention or have allowed preconceived ideas to warp what is truth.

Had they been paying attention they would have seen their error in the food assessment department.

If I had told them before hand what they were eating they would have probably shriveled up their button noses in distaste having pre decided fish can’t possibly taste good and missed out on the yumminess awaiting their hungry palates.

It just goes to show that just because our beliefs can distort things doesn’t mean those things change and that especially goes for truth.

Now why is any of this important?

Because this Mother’s Day I want to speak the truth about mamas. There is so much distortion and downplaying of mothers and their important role and it breaks my heart to see mamas just surviving their kids or struggling to see the value in themselves and what they do.

The truth is, how a mom sees herself and the importance of her role will affect the way she shows up for her family.

It’s time we mamas united and start speaking the truth over ourselves and others!! We need good mamas and that starts with us. Our children need mamas with a vision!  

Next Sunday’s post look for a bundle of truth and encouragement!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!


Raising Warriors


Long Before the First Hello