Looking For Purpose In All The Wrong Faces

There it was again.

That happy smile spread from ear to ear on yet another person doing what they loved.

The purpose and passion that exuded from their photos was tangible so I double checked what that person did and tucked it away on my mental Pinterest board for later.

I wanted to look and feel that same way too!

I would think to myself "Maybe if I start doing what they are doing, I'll be full of just as much purpose".

And thus the journey of discovering my life purpose began. Only it started at the wrong place because I was looking for purpose in all the wrong faces.

Some people have labeled me a visionary because I have this knack for coming up with ideas and following them with passion only to loose interest half way through. In part, I think they are correct because I do dream in color and in chasing a rainbow find new paths along the way that spark new rainbows to chase.

I was looking for purpose in all the wrong faces.

Erin Patton

But there was also a bigger reason behind that rainbow chasing and I just had no idea (neither did anybody else) that it was due to my searching for purpose in all the wrong faces.

You see, part of it was because I thought it was what the person did that brought purpose but it turns out it is what the person is called to that gives purpose. That is why there can be happy and unhappy plumbers. Happy and unhappy mothers. Happy and unhappy architects. Happy and unhappy bus drivers. Happy and unhappy doctors. Happy and unhappy herbalists and so on. It is purpose that puts passion behind any single thing a person can do.

The other part was because it felt conceited to look into a mirror and envision that God would really have given me a special call on my life. Who was I after all? I couldn't fathom I would have any special purpose of my own to bring so I looked for purpose that was already there in someone else that I could tap into and syphon off into my own life.

In truth, the only face I should have been looking at to find my purpose was Jesus'. I had only to look into his face to see the reflection of his glory he wanted me to live out in my life. How I wished I had grasped that concept when I was young (or should I say younger since I'm only 26)!! I would have avoided so many dead end decisions that left me lost and in search of a place to u-turn.

I thought it was what the person did that brought purpose but it turns out it is what the person is called to that gives purpose.

Erin Patton

Getting caught in emotional abuse later on in my life did not help either. It made me lose even more traction on who I was and what purposes God had for me.

Oh but God is so good!! Even though I kept peeping around the mirror trying to catch a glimpse of purpose in someone else's' face, he just kept gently holding it up so I could one day see who he created me to be. In the beginning of 2019 God started me on journey of new hope. I had no idea that one aspect of new hope would be finally figuring out what purposes God has for me to do. When I finally stopped looking beyond the mirror, I began to see what He saw all along and it still gives me chills when I think of just how much God did to give me my own purpose, value and beautifully original life!

It has been a process of discovery and a wonderful journey since I have begun looking for purpose in the place and face I should be. God has used prayer, life coaching, and many hours of investment from my close counselors to also bring my focus back onto him and for that I am so very grateful!

It is purpose that puts passion behind any single thing a person can do.

Erin Patton

So after all that you may be wondering, "So Erin, what is that purpose God has given you?" I'm glad you asked!

In Next Sunday's post I will share what my purpose is and how I am embracing it! For now, I have some questions for you. :)

Have you ever found yourself looking for purpose in all the wrong places?

What have you done to redirect your vision?

What beautifully original qualities do you see in yourself? Name 7 of them.

How do you envision God using those qualities in you right where you are?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! I know you have lots of choices but I hope what you read here blessed you. Please subscribe so you don't miss out on future blog posts. :) Thank you in advance if you do!


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