Thursday Tippity Tip: #3 Ways To Detect An Emotional Abuser

Wikipedia sites emotional abuse as:

"Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased. Emotional abuse can take many forms"

Emotional abuse in my experience is hard to detect because it often mimics other temporary or momentary selfish or harmful behavior.

I have found that it can be easy to start seeing emotional abusers and manipulators around every corner if I am not careful to really hold my fears in check.

Here are three ways I have learned to detect signs of a true emotional abuser who I am dealing with or I see someone else dealing with.** This has really helped me give grace when needed in healthy relationships experiencing a human moment and avoid toxic ones all together. I will present these three signs in question form so you can ask them yourself and see how your answers apply to your specific situations.

  1. CONSISTENCY - The first thing I do is check consistency of behavior. Have I seen questionable behavior consistently showing up in this person? If it is someone I just met, am I seeing it consistently pop in conversations with me and others they talk to?
  2. EXCUSE ME - What kind of behavioral recognition are they showing? Am I finding they apologize for reacting but consistently have an excuse for why it was justified? How often am I or someone else sited as the excuse?
  3. WORD GAMES - When they say they see the need for change or should not have reacted the way they did, how do they follow through? What kind of behavior do they consistently put behind their words that demonstrate their commitment to follow through?

In my experience, if someone shows a consistency in the three areas mentioned above, they are usually emotional abusers who should be avoided.

Hope you found this helpful! What ways do you use to tell if you are dealing with an emotional abuser? Comment below! Would love to hear from you. :)

**This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding this subject.


Alone Yet Not Alone (Part 2 of My Story)


My Story