My Dad

My Dad is not perfect. He will readily admit he made many mistakes he is not proud of, but you know what? I see the grace of God at work in his life; a grace weaved through every good and bad choice that helped mold him into the dad he is today.

One of the things my Dad has done so well over the years is championing his children. I can't tell you how many times one of us kids did something dumb growing up (and we still do!!) and my dad would be frustrated in the moment but would turn around and help us get back up. He would encourage us to try and be a little wiser going forward and give us grace and space to try again. In my own life my dad has supported me even when it wasn't his first or favorite choice. He has backed me up time and again. And when my choices fail he just hugs me and tells me everything is going to be okay.

My Dad is not perfect but I have learned just as much from his mistakes as I have from the things he has done right. I am SO grateful for my Dad and all he has done to ensure his little curly haired brown eyed baby girl succeeds. Bu at the end of the day I know I am already enough in his eyes just as I am.

Along with my earthly dad I also have a heavenly Father. One who is perfect in all his ways; one who comforts and delights in me with unconditional abandon. He is faithful and forgiving no matter how much I fail. As much as my earthly Dad has been there for me, he often reminds me that it is my heavenly Father who will always be there and take care of me even when he can't. I am thankful my Dad is faithful to anchor me and my identity ultimately in that truth!

No matter how wonderful or awful your earthly Dad is or was, you too have a heavenly Father who loves you.

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Matthew 7:11

I hope you take the time to bask in his love for you this Father's Day!


The Price of Authenticity


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