Thursday Tippity Tip: 3 reasons why you should keep "bothering" with that God breathed vision!

Is there a God breathed vision sparking in your heart? These three truths are what keep my own heart focused and encouraged. I completely understand getting discouraged and letting self defeating talk snuff the very visions God has impressed on my heart with questions or statements like:

"Why would anyone care about __________" or

"There is already someone doing that so why bother?" or

"What makes me qualified?"

But you know what? God's got bigger and better purposes for us to fulfill than we could even dare to believe so here is why you should keep "bothering" with that God breathed vision!

  1. If God is putting the vision on your heart, then he SEES and KNOWS there is a need for it even when you don't!
  2. No matter how many ministries or ideas are out there along the same lines as yours, each part of the world needs multiple people with those same visions. Nobody teaches the same and not everybody listens the same. God called YOU to THIS vision!
  3. God does not put frivolous or wasted passions in your heart. The passions he puts on your heart are ALWAYS full of purpose. Oftentimes, God is just waiting for you to press into the vision before giving it and you the wings to soar. If you don't leap, you will never know what it is to fly so jump and catch the wind of your vision!

God wants to change the world one vision at a time starting with you...starting with me. Don't believe Satan's lies!! Next time he tries to stand in front of you and your vision and use self defeating talk to discourage you, just keep walking and tell him "Get thee behind me!". If he doesn't move just trample him under foot and keep on marching. ;)


My Dad


Okay Get It!