Pressing Into Pain

Pain...that is a four letter word I don't like but it is one I have learned much about over the past few years.

Every time I think emotional pain couldn't get any does.

Emotional pain is real and sometimes more damaging than physical wounds although both bare unique scars unto themselves.

I'll freely admit I have cried bitter tears because of the depth of isolation, betrayal, and pain I feel from the situation I am going through. I have sometimes begged God through breaking heart sobs why it feels at times he has abandoned me. Other times I have sat in silence too weary to speak just wondering why God would be allowing some of the deep wounding he has. However, I have also found some of my most profound revelations and deepest comfort from the one who sees and knows me.


If there is anyone who can understand it is Jesus. He never shied away from the pain and suffering of others. He personally knows what it is to be pressed into pain and yet to press right back into that pain.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2

So I look to him not only because of his example but because He is my greatest comforter. These past few years of my life, through all my tears and questioning, He has gently pressed into my pain bringing healing with him.

By his compassion and comfort I have learned I can press into my pain knowing he will be there with me through it all. As I have embraced this journey of sorrows, I have learned what it is to truly relate to the rawness of humanity and experience the presence and compassion of my merciful Savior in deeper depths than I have ever known before.

Pressing into pain has taught me how to be gentle towards others and myself. It has taught me to give space and grace for people to handle suffering how they need to handle that pain. It has taught me to be less judgemental and more compassion filled. It has taught me my frailness as a human and yet a depth of strength that can only forged by the grace of God and I would never had known I had except by pressing into the pain. It has taught me how to gently press into the pain of others, without fear, in order to offer the same comfort I was comforted with.

I honestly don't like that those powerful lessons had to be learned from pressing into pain. But even though pressing into pain has hurt, it has been worth it. All that pain has helped mold me into a better (instead of bitter) person. I now realize I have to choices; Let pain press into me and consume me into bitter anguish or press into that pain and learn what it is to overcome.

I choose to press into the pain

By God's comfort and strength, I choose to overcome.


Okay Get It!


Thursday Tippity Tip: 4 Ways to promote better conversations