Happy New Years!

It is hard to believe 2018 will be finished and a new year begun in just hours! At the strike of midnight tonight, the old will collide with the new for a moment while 2019 marches on with relentless precision. 2018 has been a pivotal year for me. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness. God has taught me so much about himself through every hill and valley I traversed this year. I walked paths I never imagined I would ever walk and made a few u-turns along the way yet God truly was (and still is!) my good Shepherd who saved me many times from wolves in sheeps clothing and sometimes from myself. As we head into the new year, I want to leave you with 7 of the best lessons I learned from this year. Hope they bless you. Happy New Year!

  • Find joy in the challenge. It's more productive than worrying or giving up.
  • Keep the lessons learned not the mistakes because lessons change you, mistakes just keep you captive right where you are.
  • God defines you, no one else; not even yourself
  • No matter how bad things get, there will always be one good thing to be found because God is good all the time
  • The love of those who love you far out weigh the hurt of those who don't, so nurture the relationships that raise you up not raze you down
  • Life is so much more simple when you do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God and let him take care of everything else.
  • To everything there is a season but seasons make up your journey. There will be favorite seasons you want to keep going and others you can't wait to finish. No matter the season, choose to keep loving, growing, working hard and going forward.


Eye of the Storm


Thursday Tippity Tip: How to L.E.A.V.E the victim behind