Thursday Tippity Tip: Choclate Muffins with A Secret Ingredient!

With Autumn comes pumpkins...and more pumpkins...pumpkin lattes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin pictures, pumpkin shakes, pumpkin costumes, pumpkin ice-cream, pumpkin carvings, pumpkin soup, pumpkin colored clothes and pretty much anything that can have pumpkin in it, or on it is utilized.This pumpkin frenzy causes a distinct divide. Those who absolutely love the pumpkin craze and those who wish pumpkins never existed. For me it depends on the day and how much pumpkin I was inundated with but my pumpkin opinion is not what you were here to read. 😁Now, this post will involve pumpkin, I know I know, BUT I promise the pumpkin will not show up in the end. 😉 I think it will be a win-win for the pumpkin haters and pumpkin lovers if you just stick with me to the end!A long time ago, one of my Aunts made the most moist delicious chocolate muffins I had ever had. When I asked her how they were made I was so surprised at how easy it was to make them! But I was even more surprised at her secret ingredient because it was the reason behind her amazing moist muffins. That ingredient was pumpkin. Yes, PUMPKIN!So here is the recipe for you to be able to enjoy these yummy and super moist chocolate muffins too.CHOCOLATE PUMPKIN MUFFINS RECIPE:

  • 1 box of chocolate cake mix
  • I can of 15oz plain pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix!)
  • 1/2 - 1 cup of water

Preheat oven to the same degree listed on the cake mix box which will be 350° or 375°.Well oil your muffin tin(s). That is essential because these moist muffins WILL stick if you don't. I also do not suggest using muffin tin paper instead of oil for the same reason I just stated above. The heating time will vary between what muffin tin you use.Mix all ingredients together using the water to make the muffin mixture less thick and a little more manageable.Spoon mixture into the prepped tins being sure to fill them a little above the top because the heaviness of the mixture will keep them from rising a lot. They will rise about 1/3 of their height.If you use a 6 cup tin the muffins the cook time is approximately 50-55minsIf you used a 12 cup muffin tin the cook time is about 30-35minsThey may cook longer depending on the oven so don't be alarmed if you have to add 5 -10min. 😊 The best test is to insert a toothpick and if it comes out clean they are done!Let them cool about 10min and then carefully remived them from the tins.Finally!! Enjoy your super-moist-oh-so-scrumptions chocolate muffins with the secret pumpkin ingredient that no one will ever know about. 😉 I think that redeems pumpkin, don't you right?


Whatsoever Things


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