Whatsoever Things

This post is a post/letter to myself. Sometimes I let the weight of things get to me and I forget to think of the things I should. Hopefully this letter encourages you to do the same whenever you find yourself in such a place. ❤Finally, brethren,Finally Erin. Finally you are here in this place. Finally you are ready to put down the hurts so you can take hold of the healing. whatsoever things are true,Take hold of the things that are true because a mind full of truth has no room for lies. Truth keeps you grounded when everything else threatens to blow you over.whatsoever things are honest,Take hold of the things that are honest because honesty will always help you walk in truth. Thinking of things that are honest keeps your mind tender toward doing the right thing even when it costs.whatsoever things are just,Take hold of the things that are just because there will always be unfair things in life. When those times of unfairness randomly hit you, like it almost always does, thinking on the things that are just will keep you from returning hurt for hurt. It will help you keep the higher ground when unfairness threatens to undermine you.whatsoever things are pure,Take hold of the things that are pure because thinking of pure things cleanses the soul. This world is full of icky, dark, impure things that dirty the mind whether you want it to or not. But you are a child of God. This life is not your final destination so think on the pure things because that is your heavenly inheritance.whatsoever things are lovely,Take hold of the things that are lovely because lovely things remind you that I am still God. It helps you see the good in the obvious and search for it in the least likely places. When many just want to focus on the bad you will know that lovely things still exsist because those lovely things are hidden in your heart for the times when no eyes can see them.whatsoever things are of good report;Take hold of the good reports. They are worthy of your time and thoughts because they will remind you of all the things above. Those good reports encourage and inspire and remind you to run the race with endurance and exhort others to do the same. They remind you who is on the throne and on your side.if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,think on these things. Philippians 4:8 KJVI've (God) got you Erin, and thinking on these things daily will remind you to take courage when you feel overwhelmed. 


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