I Can Only Imagine...

What will heaven be like?I can only imagine...It is so hard to think of eternity as something just on the other side of a door so to speak...a place that is so real but yet...unkown...or at least relatively unknown.We have descriptions of it in the Bible and the picture of heaven painted in Revelation fills my soul with wonder and awe but still it leaves me with my finitie imaginations to imagine the infinite.It leaves me asking, what will it be like?Will it have streets line with mansions?Will there be fields of wildflowers that endlessly bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors yet to be seen by earthly eyes?Will there be a choir of angels and creatures singing the most beautiful praise in endless melodies and harmonies?But most of all, what will it feel like?There are so many descriptions of what it might feel or be like but here is how my little mind has been able to begin to understand and feel just how wonder filled and wonderful heaven will be. If you want you to get a touch of that too, keep reading. ☺Close yours eyes and still your heart. Now, re-capture every happy memory you can remember. Re-live those memories.Do you remember the ecstasy of kissing the one whom your soul loves for the first time? Hold on to that feeling.Do you remember the thrill of flying over the rollercoaster track at incredible speeds? Grab on to that feeling.Do you remember the swelling grandeur that flooded your soul when you summited the mountain peak? Grasp on to that feeling.Do you remember laughing so hard with your friends that your side hurt the next day? Snatch that feeling and keep it.I want you to take every joy filled, amazing, victorious, loved filled moment you have ever experienced and create a collage out of them and then hold on to those feelings...because that, my friends, is what heaven will be and feel like. FOREVER!Heaven will be the perfect culmination of every good, wonderful, holy, and lovely thing we experienced in this broken world. Only it will be 100× more amazing then all those moments that make our hearts feel like they will burst from being so full.I can only imagine, but it is a beautiful imagination that will one day be replaced by heaven itself.I can only imagine...


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