Thursday Tippity Tip: 4 Ways to Add Peace to Your Home

Home...there is no place like it. Every household has its own way of doing things but one way a house becomes a home that you call a place of safety, a refuge from the stress of life, and a haven of peace, is by setting the tone and atmosphere. I have been in homes where joy and laughter abounded yet peace and tranquility reigned. There was an order and because of that order there was peace.In this Thursday tippity tip I will share with you four ways to make your home a place that exudes tranquility and peace.1) Turn off the noise! It has become a common occurrence in homes to leave music playing or the TV running constantly in the background. This constant noise stimulation wreaks havoc on your brain because it is constantly having to sort and file all the input. Having constant noise is also proven to over-stimulate your brain and basically cause it to stop responding. This is why you will see many adults and children become quickly unsatisfied and bored with videos or movies or songs that aren't constantly moving with sites, colors and sounds. This is also why people seem to be bored when it comes to just normal everyday life. They are essentially addicted to overstimulation and just like a drug user needs higher doses over time to satiate their cravings, adults and children especially begin to need more and more stimulation to keep them intrigued. So turn off the noise! It is a distraction to yourself any guests who enter and especially children if you have them. Lastly, when there is a constant sound filling a room it is hard to have a conversation and concentrate.2) Play tranquil or classical music. Now wait a minute! Didn't I just say to turn off the noise? Yes, yes I did indeed. Relaxing or classical music softly playing in the background a couple hours of the day is good for the body and mind and is drastically different than intrusive, overstimulating, bombardment of pointless noise. It adds a softness to the atmosphere and calms the body and mind. If you have kids doing this during an hour of quiet time where everyone finds a quiet activity to do such as coloring, knitting or reading a book or even just sitting there and dreaming, it helps to recharge the mind and body.3) Fill your home with joy and laughter. Sounds  loud right? It is and it isn't. Having joy is to have a general overall attitude of contentment and thankfulness. Laughter is good medicine for the soul and I have often found the most laughter when I choose to laugh at the oops in life. Also, banish idle silliness, loud squabbling or out of control rambunctious playing. Those things steal away the peace in your home and cause chaos where there doesn't need to be any. I'm not talking about the occasional misunderstanding or fight. I'm talking about constant nitpicking, grumbling, shouting or pointless silliness that comes from lack of direction. You can fill your home with fun, laughter and joy by doing constructive activities that bring purpose and camaraderie. Playing Legos, reading a book out loud, putting together a puzzle, learning how to take something apart, baking cookies, doing a tea time, and building a fort in the living room are just a few examples of activities that bring merriment that energizes the hearts of all instead of sapping the energy away.4) Declutter! A disorganized home adds subtle stress. Start one room at a time and begin decluttering your heart and home. Less is more and you will be surprised at how little you miss the stuff you get rid of and how freeing an organized home feels. You see, the more stuff you have the more you have to take care of, dust, worry about, find storage for, sort through when you look for something etc. When you get down to just having the main things on hand that you always use and need, your life becomes a lot more simplified. This doesn't mean you have to go to the extreme minimalist side. You really can have a comfortable and inviting home that is organized and you will be surprised at how much more peaceful it is when you do.Hope you found this post helpful!   


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