I Know In Whom I Have Believed: Part 1

Have you ever been told,"You are loved!""You are special!""You are strong!""You are beautiful!""You are forgiven!"and other such phrases? I have. In fact, I have told many others just such things. But a few weeks ago I got to thinking,"Do those phrases have any biblical standing?""Where exactly does it say I am this or that?"This Sunday I am going to share my findings on just two of many phrases that I have managed to validate in the scripture. This post is part one in the series. I am sharing my findings little by little so that you can really soak everything in. There are many more verses I could have shared but decided not to. Why take all the fun out of you discovering them for yourself? 😉 My findings left me with a deeper knowledge and renewed appreciation for who I am in Christ. It built my faith. I hope you are blessed and this inspires you to look these things up for yourself.The findings will be written as if God was writing a letter to you. I don't pretend to know the mind of God, but I wanted to share my findings with you in a more personal way; the way God showed them to me. It was humbling, emboldening, and freeing to REALLY understand that these labels can be claimed by any child of God.So, as you read, soak in your new heratage as a child of God.Take hold of your new names with boldness.Grasp onto your new status in Christ.And live secure in whom you have believed. Dear child,How I long for you to walk in victory! Lift up your head and take hold of your new life. You are mine and I have made You new. You are no longer clothed in shame but the beauty of holiness. I see no blot nor blemish for I have washed you whiter than snow with my own perfect blood that I shed so you might have everlasting life and that more abundantly. You are no longer a debter to sin. In me you have a new title. Many new ones in fact. But the one I want you to hear first is this one. Forgiven. Yes, forgiven!  You are forgiven because I am The Forgiver. I know you have a hard time believing this, not because of me, but because you feel you can't forgive yourself. My dearest one, if I call you forgiven then take fast hold of that truth. No one has ever out sinned my forgiveness. Those who die in their sins have chosen to but my forgiveness would have covered them if only they would have accepted my gift of salvation. You can believe it because my word stands faithful and true forever. You see, it isn't for you to determine the standard of worthiness for forgiveness because that is for me to decide. I call you forgiven and so you are. See here a portion of the record that was written so that you might have full assurance.

1 John 2:12 I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. Colossians 2:13-15 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

My child, not only have I forgiven you but I have also redeemed you through that forgiveness. You are redeemed because I am The Redeemer. I came to seek and save that which was lost and now you are no longer lost but found! You thought you had no purpose. You thought you had no hope but forgiveness paved the path for my redemption to renew your life from the inside out. You are not a broken vessel I have simply patched up and put on display on a shelf in a heavenly trophy case. I did not redeem you to leave you stranded. I redeemed you because from the womb, I have given you purposes to fulfill and now you have a new opportunity to pick those purposes up and live them. Redeemed is simply another name I have given you. Wear it boldly! I died and rose again, conquering the power of sin, having been given power to redeem all to anyone who believes on me. No one else holds the power to give redemption. Only I do, and I have called you my forgiven one; my redeemed one. Take a look at what David, a man after my own heart, wrote and rejoice with him for your life too is safe with me.

Psalms 31:5 Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth. Psalms 71:23 My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.

 Next Sunday will pick up part two. 😊Please subscribe if you haven't already so you won't miss a post and thank you in advance for your support. If you missed last Sunday's post Click here . I only make a post on Thursday (Click here to read last Thursday's post) and Sunday so no spam worries. 😉 Also, I would love to hear from YOU so if get the opportunity, please go ahead and comment or email me with any questions or thoughts.


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