Thursday Tippity Tip: How to Avoid Unnecessary, Compulsive Buys

Unnecessary compulsive buying can hit anyone. For guys it could be that awesome truck, or super cool sling shot. For women clothing is usually a top offender. It just depends on the person and their particular tastes. That being said, for the sake of ease I am going to use a shirt as the example throughout this post but just replace the shirt with whatever item or items would be a temptation for you.Have you ever had that moment where you are walking in a store and come across an item you think is soooo cute or just catches your eye and before you know it you JUST have to have it? You see the shirt draping beautifully off the hanger and above it is a huge sign that says "Sales rack! EVERYTHING 70% OFF!". How could you not get this adorable shirt you now have an attachment to after a 5 second glance for 70% off!  I mean, what a great deal right? And you don't have that particular shade of green... oh! and from what you can remember you have at least one or two pants that it would match with. Oh and it looks like it would fit you without even trying it on so hey! for 70% off it's worth throwing in the cart. You get home after talking yourself into buying that steal-of-a-deal shirt and try it on...only it doesn't look as nice on you as it did on the hanger. And it hugs in the wrong place...and feels scratchy...and there really isn't something in your closet already that it would match... Well you could just return it right? But why waste the gas and time to for 7.00 dollars. So you stuff it in the back of your closet with the thought that maybe one day you will try it on again after you lost some weight and then your buy will be redeemed.Sound familiar?You are not alone! The above issue happened to me multiple times...yes multiple before I found 3 intervention steps that has kept me guilt free from unnecessary compulsive buys for a long time and my wallet full instead of my closet. ;)Step #1 - BE CRITICAL!! When you see this cute shirt stop and look it over. What does the material feel like? Is it see through? Is the cut one that looks good on you? Does it have any defects? Do you already have multiple shirts you love in that same shade spectrum? etc. If you answer negatively to one or all of those questions PUT THE SHIRT AWAY! I can guarantee you WILL NOT wear a shirt (or any clothing item) you are questioning from the beginning. If you answer positively to the above questions and the shirt is still in the running, move on to step two.Step #2 - LEAVE IT ALONE you have convinced yourself more and more that this shirt is a need. BUT before you just throw it in the cart, leave it alone and continue shopping around for a bit. Even if you found the item on your way to the checkout area go ahead and peruse a few more isles and create space between you and your new found love. ;) Clear your mind and focus on other things and if by the end of 5min that shirt is still the focal point and you have valid reasons beyond "it's so cute!" "I like the color!" etc then go ahead and put it in your cart and move ahead to step three. However, I often find when I take time away from the item, I forget all about it until I am in the car on my way home! Guess I didn't love it as much as I thought. ;)Step #3 - TRY IT ON If at all possible try the item on! Unless it is a brand you know has fit you correctly 99% of the time it is always wise to try the item on. Just because it says it is your size doesn't mean it is because size is relative to individual brands. Once you try a shirt on you can see if it is flattering on you or if the hanger wears it better than you. ;) You can also feel the material on you and how it will lay and determine if it is something you truly like and feel comfortable in. A lot of times for me, it isn't that the material isn't comfortable but it doesn't breath or feels hot even thought the material is light weight. If it feels like that after just trying it on, I am certainly not going to want to wear it for a whole day. Your mind remembers the negative feedback it got when trying something on and unconsciously you will avoid ever wearing that shirt so it is a waste of money. By default you will pick out the clothes in your closet that you do love to wear so if you don't love the item are trying on in the store, you won't love it any more so once it is in your closet.That's it! Since I have implemented these steps I have avoided buying many unnecessary things that other wise would have charmed me into compulsively getting them because of the great deal they were under or the because my 10second Oscar award worthy speech of why this shirt was a winner convinced me to throw it in the cart without another thought, I used clothes as an example but these steps can be followed for anything you are thinking of buying from furniture to a car. Now you too can confidently avoid making unnecessary, compulsive buys too. :) P.S. Online shopping follows the same rules with a few differences. If you are considering an item, put it in a wish list and let it be for a few days. Closely analyze the reviews and pictures of the item. (If it is a clothing item, since you can't try it on, see how it looks on people who have bought the item in any provided pictures.) If there are no pictures, use your best judgment from reviews and simply leave the item be until you can for sure determine it is something you will really love and not just an item your eyes are momentarily lusting over. ;)


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