Thursday Tippity Tip: Top 4 Secrets to Efficient Efficiency

For the longest time I always thought efficiency was for the A type personalities who were able to get 10 things done before most people were even thinking of waking up. They seemed to have super human abilities when it came to being efficient power houses so I resigned myself to the belief that efficiency was going to be a skill just out of my grasp. But there was a part of me that held a glimmer of hope through the years and after covertly studying them...probably more like envying them ;) for most of my life I finally realized the simple secrets behind their abilities. It was really shocking to me just how elementary efficiency really is at its core. I think the hardest thing going against efficiency is laziness and lack of organization.Efficient people know how to wisely and resourcefully use their time and talents to their fullest potential. Here are the top 4 efficiency skills that will have you being an efficiency ninja in no time!

  1. MAKE A LIST: Write down and sort out all the things you need to accomplish daily and weekly. You can also do monthly and yearly but I find that too overwhelming so I stick with daily and weekly except for the few things I need to plan for in advance. It is better to start small and simple. Add things as you go so you can get the hang of how to do each chore efficiently while easing into your new way of living.
  2. ORGANIZE YOUR LIST: Everyone's days and routines are different so you will have to look at your list and personalize it for your family's needs. Figure out the things that need your hands on attention like mowing the lawn or cleaning the bathroom and what things don't need baby sat like starting the dishwasher or taking out meat to thaw for dinner. For example, you can sort the laundry the night before or in the morning and throw in a load. While the laundry washes you can fill the tea kettle to heat up the water for sweet tea. Once the water is on you can quickly prepare a crock pot roast for dinner. By the time you finish the roast prep the water will be done heating and you can finish making the tea. You can begin breakfast and while it cooks you can wash any dishes in the sink and so on and so forth. Sorting out your list like this will help you know how, when, and where to efficiently place things so you can put the list into action! You can either do one multi purpose list or create lists for individual spectrums of you life such as a kid schedule list, house chore list, or errand list etc.
  3. BE FLEXIBLE: Plans change. Things happen. Just go with the flow and if you have your list made and organized you will be able to adapt. A list empowers you to adjust your chores and routines to fit whatever bumps happen throughout the day. Knowing what things can replace each other allows you to remain efficient. Fluid flexibility comes with consistent practice of these skills so allow yourself 30 days to create a new regular routine. Keep encouraging yourself forward by seeing any "oops" as another lesson learned on how to do something better. :)
  4. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID: Clutter is the nemesis of efficiency so it is in your best interest to de-clutter your life. From your closet to your kitchen utensils, keeping things organized and simplified will make your journey to efficiency so much easier. It is hard to me I know! Get someone to come in and help you de-clutter and do it little by little. Start one room at a time and go from there until you have simplified your life to a place that allows you to be efficient and not work against yourself.

That's it! If you consistently practice those four steps you will be well on your way to a more efficient, happy life. :) The first few weeks may be a little rough as you figure out the kinks but don't give up! It will be well worth the effort in the end. 


The Comforter


#1 Relationship Rule: It's All About Me