Oh Be Careful Little Feet Where You Go

Oh be careful little feet where you go for the father up above and people all around are watching how you live, so be careful little feet where you go.

Choices...they come wrapped in difficult, easy, impulsive, selfish, selfless, healing, destructive, simple, complicated, gut wrenching, big, small, hasty, thoughtful etc. packages. Choices consume most of our lives and yet we give the vast majority of them little thought. But there is a balance. We cause problems when we walk thru life with no thought. We cause problems when we agonize too much over every choice. And we cause problems when we purposefully choose things that we know will cause harm to others. Because choices don't just affect us. They affect those in our circle of life. And those in their circle of life and so on. Every choice each of us makes is a stitch (whether tiny or gigantic) in the tapestry of life. When we don't take careful thought to the truly defining decisions and choices we make or willfully make harmful choices, we are dropping our stitches and creating a hole in that tapestry that will continue to unravel unless we mend our ways and make different choices. I personally know how destructive choices can be. I have made wrong choices. I have seen bad choices made. I have been on the receiving end of selfish choices. I am witness to the fact that our choices carry good and bad consequences. I have seen first hand how they make or break relationships. Observing other people's choices and knowing the power my own choices carry makes me consider my steps even more carefully. Especially because I have little daughters watching me and I want my choices to exemplify Christ. Hope this post just reminds you how valuable your choices are and encourages you to keep learning and choosing to make better ones!


Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder


Cherished Responsibilities