Cherished Responsibilities

When I look at my precious daughters I don't just see sweet girls. I see blessings I don't deserve. Cherished responsibilities that challenge me to grow. Lessons in wisdom and character that God teaches me thru them. Eternal souls I have been given to diligently protect and train.

God is using them to shape me as much as He is using me to mold them. The first 5yrs are the most important; the most vital; the very foundation on which they begin building their life and worldview. It humbles me to realize God has given me the responsibility to raise the next world changers. Yes, world changers. For everyone born changes the course of history. Some world changers are well known. Others never spoken about but no lives diminished in their influences over where God has placed them.

As I train my children, my prayer is that my mistakes show them what an unfailing, redeeming and forgiving God I serve and my right choices point to His power and righteousness. Lord, take my life and let it be, always only all for thee.


Oh Be Careful Little Feet Where You Go


Attitude Reflects Leadership