Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder

“God always allows us to feel the frailty of human love so we’ll appreciate the strength of his.” ~ C.S. Lewis

There is a saying that says "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". This is why you could perfect your makeup, your outfits, your home etc. but it will never be enough. Somebody will ALWAYS have an opinion of how you can do something better or different. Trying to be outwardly beautiful or accepted by people is a consuming cycle that leaves you feeling frustrated and more empty than the day before. Why? Because the world's version of beauty is a perception; an illusive dream that can never be fulfilled. It is a cheap imitation of true beauty. There is no value to be found in such a place. It is a beauty that focuses on the outside aesthetic and ignores the inward priceless heart, and leaves us unfulfilled and dissatisfied. People telling us we are beautiful doesn't cut it. Granted, being told "You're beautiful!" makes us feel warm and fuzzy for a time but when that feeling wears off we are back to square one. The truth of the matter is, we long for more. What we are really seeking when we strive for beauty is acceptance and to know we indeed have value.

So what is true beauty? Where can it be found? How is it achieved? Is it only for those blessed with great genes? Is it only for those with lots of money and makeup talent? No!

True beauty is found in the hidden heart.True beauty is found in a giving heart.True beauty is found in a gracious heartTrue beauty is found in a gentle heartTrue beauty is found in a peaceful heartTrue beauty is found in a selfless heartTrue beauty is found in a joyful heartTrue beauty is found in a wise heartTrue beauty is found in a kind heartTrue beauty is found in a satisfied heart

So here is my encouragement to all of us. Let's stop trying to please others by striving for outward perfection. Let's focus on following God. God isn't concerned with the outside. He always addresses our hearts, not our looks. He sees where we are and encourages us to press forward and keep becoming the amazing person He created us to be. He longs for us to find our ultimate worth in him. And it is a not a beauty we, his children, have to strive for because Christ has already begun the good work in us and will be faithful to complete it. If we can't find our value, the love we long for, or acceptance in Christ and what he did WHILE we were YET SINNERS, then we never will anywhere else. But I hope we can stand in the grace of Christ and who HE says we are in HIM and lay aside the burdensome lies of worldly beauty. We are complete in Christ! We are accepted in Christ! We are priceless in Christ! We are enough in Christ!


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