Thursday Tippity Tip: How to know you are in a healthy relationship!
How do you know you are in a healthy relationship? Well I could give you a complex answer but I'm not a doctor ;) so instead I'm going to give you seven simple and practical statements of healthy relationship indicators I personally learned to be true.
My relationship with Jesus is where I learned all of them. He is daily my example and gold standard of what a healthy, whole relationship looks and feels like. My close family and close friends have also helped these seven practical statements take root in my heart further distinguishing the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Even when I have been caught in unhealthy relationships (of any kind) I have been able to find my way back to a healthy place because of the foundation of not just knowing but experiencing healthy relationships.
Put “Do I" before each of these statements and “or" in place of “instead of”. Ask yourself these things about any relationship you have and see what insights you gain!
♡You will feel SAFE instead of feeling insecure
♡You will feel LOVED instead of less than
♡You will feel PEACE instead of chaos
♡You will feel GRACE instead of striving
♡You will feel FREE instead of in bondage
♡You will feel OPEN instead of closed off
♡You will feel JOY instead of sadness
And by feel I mean you will KNOW because healthy relationships resonate deep down in a person's soul just as much as unhealthy ones cause dissonance deep down in the heart. So even if your only experience is unhealthy relationships, I have found many still understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy when shown and it is only a matter of learning how to get and maintain healthy relationships that is the barrier (but that is a post for another time!)
For anyone dealing with an unhealthy relationship, just want to let you know I know what that is like and am here for you!
Please contact me or my mom for prayer, a shoulder to cry on, encouragement, coaching or some resources. ❤