God's Testimonies

God's Testimony Over Jeanne

I sat in church listening to pastor Joel asking us to be still and hear how the Lord was speaking to us individually. The teaching had been all about encountering the Lord. The first thing that came to my heart was “walk boldly, be bold” with the understanding He was meaning that He had made me to be bold for Him, He wants to use the way He made me for His glory, and He will be walking with me every step of the way!! YAY! Then I felt that there was something else He wanted me to hear so I asked Him to tell me more. Suddenly I heard in my heart, “I want you to write your testimony.”

I felt discouraged because I could not see what good could come of writing all of that garbage again so I said, “I have already done that.”

Then I heard, “I want you to write the testimony I will give you, the one that glorifies my name.”

I cannot fully describe the feeling that washed over me as I comprehended the depths of what He was telling me – fullness of joy, strength, peace, newness, suddenly comprehending the depth of His love, washed, clean, unchained!! These are so inadequate! My Father, my Lord and Savior, wants to speak truth over me with the testimony He wants me to write!! Wow! In fact He wants to write it!! All of the lies must die, and when the Devil or others try to speak their lies over me I will look at this testimony of truth God has spoken over me!

I Am Beautiful

Dearest Jeanne,

I created you to be exactly who you are. I created you with your personality, your strengths and your weaknesses, your spiritual gifts and the practical ones too, a truth teller, vibrant, animated, full of gusto and not afraid to be bold when I need you to be, full of unconditional love and compassion, merciful but firm, not willing to compromise, forgiving, humbled, fearing me but full of the knowledge of how much I love you!!

Remember the mirror. The mirror of truth where I had you look in order to see what I see. You saw a woman that I love so much and that I have made to be beautiful from the inside out. I had you look in that mirror until you could see for yourself what I see. At first you could not really look but only quietly speak the words I wanted to speak over you, not really believing them, but I wouldn't let that slide and made you keep repeating those words, “I am beautiful” until you could say them with conviction, fully looking yourself in the face.

Later, with a friend's challenge I asked you to look in the mirror again. I wanted you to see what I see, a beautiful servant ready to live for my glory, not ashamed to care for herself and make herself beautiful on the outside too! The outward beauty that is a picture of what I have done on the inside! Like the bride of Christ you are. Then once more I had you look in the mirror and I wanted you to stand, facing your Lord and Savior, your King and redeemer, Jesus. With His hands on your shoulders looking deep into your eyes He said, “I love you so much, I love you so, so much!!

Too many times you have let others and the Devil speak lies to you, too many times my truth has been drowned out, but no more!!! I have freed you from every chain that has ever bound you! You see yourself the way I see you, a new creature with no sin, no past mistakes. I only see the precious one I love! I have firmly placed your feet on the Rock, you have confidence because I am walking with you, I will work through you, I will lead you and tell you when to speak and who to minister to. Follow me, forget the things that are past, look only to where I lead you. Rest in me, trust me and I will call you good and faithful servant!

Most of all, when the lies come I want you to remember the things I have told you. I want you to remember the mirror, and the truth of who I AM and that I never change!! I AM - full of mercy, abundant in grace and forgiveness, not willing that any should perish, a strong tower, your creator and designer, I hear you when you call, I will never forsake you, I call you my own, I speak truth and I cannot lie, and most of all I love you so much!! I will give you your heart's desire! This is what I speak over you, this is the testimony I have given you.

Loving you always, Abba Father

For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Galatians 1:11

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14

Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward. (rear guard)

Isaiah 58:8

God's Testimony Over Erin

I always knew God loved me but I never fully believed he would ever use me. He had strategically placed people in my life to tell me otherwise but it still didn't click. Okay sure, I felt like God had a special call on my life since I was a child but through the years I let my own doubts and the fear of what people would think silence that call. After all, what if it was just my imagination? Who was I? Well, now I know exactly who I am and it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the great I AM.

By Royal Decree of the King of Kings

Erin, you are a precious jewel in my royal kingdom. BY royal decree you have been made mine and a joint heir. Your clothing is no longer rags but silk and purple and wrought gold. I have placed an incorruptible crown of life upon your head that is a shadow of the crowns of righteousness and glory to come. Walk in dignity because I have raised my sceptre and chosen you to be the queen of your domain; the life have given you. No one can remove your royal estate and heritage given by my own blood that was shed for you. My banner of love and truth will always fly over you that all may know how precious you are to me.

I have gifted you with every attribute needed to take your place as queen. By my divine power I have given unto you all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no inadequacy here for you reign at MY side and where you fall short I will always be there to lift up to your position again. The gifts I have given you are the most beautiful adornments you will ever wear. They will not only make you beautiful without, but all glorious within. Hospitality, discernment, encouragement, grace, gentleness, strength, kindness, humor, adaptability, and a servant's heart create a sparkle no diamonds could rival. But more than that, when people see you, they will see the King's riches lavished upon his beloved and they will know I am the King of Kings who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that anyone could ask or think.

Every day I will call you to rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away with me for there is so much purpose and passions I want to fill you with. As you abide in my palace of peace as the queen I have called you to be, you will begin to comprehend more and more what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of my love for you. Your desires and my exceeding great and precious promises over you are my greatest joy to bring to pass! You are my beloved. I will give you nothing less than my best.

Embrace me and I will embrace you with a love that has no borders. Will you take my hand today and every day and reign as the queen I destined you to be?

Song of Solomon 2:4 / Psalms 60:4 / Ephesians 3:14-21 / Song of Solomon 2:10 / Psalms 45:6,13 / 2 Peter 1:2-4 / Romans 8:17 / Proverbs 31:22 / 1 Corinthians 9:25 / 2 Timothy 4:8 / 1 Peter 5:4 / James 1:12

What is God's testimony over you? I encourage you to sit down, pray and ask God to speak HIS testimony over your life. It will look as wonderfully unique as you.


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