Da Heben and da Erff

My youngest just learned Genesis 1:1 and it melts my heart every time I hear her belt out in her little commander voice,

In da inning, God created da heben and da Erff!

What really gets me is the brilliant smile and satisfied chuckle that lights up her face after she says the verse. It’s like she just announced some of the best news ever!

Even my correction of her pronunciation doesn’t deflate her. She just looks at me when I say it’s “heaven” and “earth” and repeats back to me, “That’s what I said, Heben and Erff'“.

My older daughter learned 1 John 4:10 and loves repeating the whole verse because she has a fascination with saying the word “propitiation”. Yes, my 3 1/2 year old can clearly say a word most adults can’t even spell haha! What gets me about it though is that she didn’t let not understanding what the word meant stop her from learning the verse or keep her from saying the word over and over again. Her innocence in that taught me a lesson. I should always hide the word of God in my heart even if I don’t understand it. He will reveal to me what it means in time.

There is something so sweet about their little voices confidently speaking the Bible with authority and child like faith. I hope I speak forth the Bible with the same delight, authority, and child like faith filling me!


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