Thursday Tippity Tip - The Power of Remnants and Three Things I Learned About Them


All throughout history remnants have succeeded where defeat was the most likely outcome.

 The United States is one such story! When Francis Scott Key saw our flag was still there in the dawning light of morning, he witnessed a miracle by the ever merciful hand of God. We should have lost the battle and yet a fierce remnant, relying on the grace and protection of God, held their ground. Their devotion never wavered even after many had given their final breath to ensure freedom for the majority.

Two blog posts ago I talked about the young King Josiah (read that post here) who led a heathen culture back to God. This one young man, with the help of some of his men, crisscrossed the land tearing down the idol worship, horrible and wicked pagan practices that had been going on for years in the land. This king and his men quite literally reshaped their nation and entire generation!

There is not enough time to tell all the remnant stories, but there are three extremely vital things I noticed with them all.

  1. The ones who respond are not content to merely hear the truth. Once known, they are compelled to respond, whatever the cost. They know they don’t have the luxury, or right, to sit back and let their generation be the one to cause harm and darkness to future generations! They will stand and fight and give all to ensure the light of truth not only doesn’t go out on their watch, but is preserved. This leads me to my second observation.

  2. Remnants are generationally minded. They find their strength in the hope of tomorrow’s leaders that they are protecting today. Their vision is set on the endless possibilities of what could be if only the next generation is given the chance to succeed.

  3. The most powerful remnants are those that trust in the Lord and have Him as the cornerstone of their devotion. These remnants are assured that God governs in the affairs of men whether it is 1 or 99 of his sheep who are faithfully crying out to their Shepherd and that gives them boldness!

Examining the power of remnants has given me hope! Hope that no matter what, God’s goodness can always be found alive and strong; unchanged and unhindered even if there is only one person standing in the breach.

Whatever happens, God will always find a way to demonstrate to the world that He is working all things together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I am so grateful for the remnants before me, in my family and in my country, which remained faithful and in that faithfulness, lit so many candles so that the truth could go on burning brightly from generation to generation.

The remnants probably looked like match sticks; fragile and insignificant. But from those tiny matches there sparked a flame that set ablaze fires that are still burning today.

Right now, our generation is facing a silenced majority but there is also a powerful remnant. There is an opportunity to let God sweep this nation with revival through that remnant.

I invite you to ask these questions right alongside me.

What will I do with my match?

What do I want said about me today and for generations to come, she stood silently in fear, or she lived boldly for truth?

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