Thursday Tippity Tip: Why Did the Deer Talk to the Lion?

So often people get all bent out of shape at the predator doing what predators do best, catch prey.

Very seldom do people observing from the outside look at the prey and wonder how they got to be on the menu in the first place. They assume there was total innocence on the side of the prey but that isn’t always the case. A lot of times we deer willingly go to lunch with the lion because the predator has already become keenly aware of our vulnerabilities that they can exploit to make us believe they are a vegetarian, that we can be compatible, and we won’t end up as the main course.

When was the last time you saw a deer go up to a lion and get all cozy?

In fact, if we saw that happening, we would scratch our heads and wonder what insanity possessed the creature to be so reckless. We wouldn’t blame a lion for eating a deer that did such a thing.

It’s time to stop asking why a lion talked to a deer and start asking why the deer talked to the lion

Maybe you are like me and didn’t find out until after you got hurt by a lion that there was a void in you that caused you to do something totally out of character and to trust someone you would have had the good sense not to otherwise.

If you have suffered from an “oh deer” moment, it’s not too late to reclaim your sanity!

Take the time to understand what broken thinking gave the predator an open door past your defenses.

Pray over the needy voids in you that the predator was able to convince you they could fill

Seek God for healing and protection. Let Him show you how to be a BOLD soul (Beautifully Original Lord Directed soul) that is confidently whole in who you are as His child and so full of His love that there is no room for the lies of a predator

TTT posts are reserved exclusively for relationship tidbits in the form of a short post or a power thought meant to challenge or encourage or both. Enjoy 😊

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The Victories of Today


Thursday Tippity Tip: Fixing vs Filling